The sample code relies on passing user name and password to the JDBC driver and only if those credentials are successfully used to establish a DB connection the visa will be issued. 示例代码依赖于把用户名和密码传递给JDBC驱动程序,而且只有在使用这些凭证成功地建立DB连接的情况下,才会颁发visa。
Our example requires a database connection to start, nothing else, and for this, the SAMPLE database will do quite nicely. 例子只要求一个数据库连接来启动操作,不要求其他任何东西,对此,SAMPLE数据库将表现得非常出色。
It is also recommended that some of the sample reports be executed through IBM Cognos Connection in order to get some understanding on what is possible when running and managing reports. 同时建议通过IBMCognosConnection执行一些样例报告,从而理解在运行和管理报告时可能发生的情况。
This code sample shows how an EJB component might access a message queue resource, using connection objects. 代码样本显示了EJB组件如何使用连接对象来访问消息队列资源。
Now when performing the LOAD FROM CURSOR operation within the stored procedure, DB2 tries to establish the remote connection to database SAMPLE with the authorization ID of the local user. 在存储过程中执行LOADFROMCURSOR操作时,DB2尝试用本地用户的授权ID连接远程数据库SAMPLE。
The following code establishes a connection to the SAMPLE database and returns a list of all the catalog views in the SYSCAT schema 下面的代码将建立到SAMPLE数据库的连接,并返回SYSCAT模式中所有编目视图的一个列表
Within this sample data you will detect there is not only a connection between Berlin and Frankfurt, but also between Frankfurt and Berlin. 在这个样例数据中,您将会发现到柏林和法兰克福市之间的线路,还会发现到法兰克福市和柏林之间的连接。
You can use this sample program to check the connection status as well. 也可以使用这个样例程序来检查连接状态。
The second sample was remote shell mode and is so named because SSH powers the underlying connection and transfers. 第二个示例是远程shell模式,它使用SSH执行底层连接和传输。
Amqsphac is a ready-to-use sample program that comes with WebSphere MQ; you can use it to check out the connection status of the message flow with the queue manager. amqsphac是WebSphereMQ附带的一个随时可用的样例程序,可用于检查消息流与队列管理器的连接状态。
In this sample application a PDO object instantiated within the php file instantiates the connection with the MySQL database through the MySQL connector. 在这个样例应用程序中,在php文件中实例化的一个PDO对象通过MySQL连接器实例化与MySQL数据库的连接。
This example uses GSDB and GS_DB_TEST, but you could also create a connection to SAMPLE. 这个示例使用GSDB和GSDBTEST,但是还可以创建到SAMPLE数据库的连接。
This sample requires two physical servers and an Internet connection to download the Apache HTTP Server and mod-jk files. 这个示例需要两个物理服务器和一个Internet连接,以便下载ApacheHTTP服务器和mod-jk文件。
The sample code includes connection factories for both client and bindings mode to demonstrate how to implement both. 示例代码包括客户机和绑定模式的连接工厂,以演示如何实现二者。
To begin, we will create a sample application which uses Hibernate's own connection pooling and transaction management ( also referred to as "full cream" architecture) 开始时,我们将创建实例应用程序,这个程序使用Hibernate自己的连接池以及事务管理(同样请参考“fullcream”架构)
Process analysis systems with automatic liquid sample preparation and connection to process control systems. KarstenSommer:具有自动化液样准备的过程分析系统及其与过程控制系统的连接。
Unable to add new sample data connection. 无法添加新的示例数据连接。
The final digital sample car includes the information of volume, mass, center of gravity and logical connection of electrical cabling net. 最终形成的数字化样机包含有车辆管道电缆在内的所有空间占位信息、质量属性和电气线缆网络的连接逻辑信息。
Here is a sample configuration file that is used to query server localhost for CPU, memory, disk, and TCP connection information. 下面是一个用来查询本地主机服务器中CPU,内存,磁盘和TCP连接信息的配置文件实例。
Through scanning electron microscope ( SEM), micro-structure of the air dried sample is researched of observing to verify project nature of the silt and its micro-structure have close connection very further. 通过扫描电镜(SEM)对区内风干样品的微观结构进行了观察研究,和各段路基填土所具有的工程性质进行对比,证实了粉土的工程性质与其微结构存在着十分密切的联系。
Sample Test In our study we frequently meet the problem of connection between the computer and the devices which are used to waveforms and data sample. 实现波形与数据采样的设备与计算机的连接是研究试验工作中常遇到的问题。
One is socialism new sample from the social realism creation the other is a succeed form created by the double connection. 一位是社会主义现实主义中社会主义的新人,一位是两结合创作方法的成功形象。
A data sample system based on CAN bus of tractor test bench was introduced in this paper. Some ( problems) of traditional test bench were solved, such as complex in setting wire, low level of reliability, unfit for connection to net. 该文设计了一套基于CAN总线的拖拉机检测线数据采集系统,解决了目前检测线布线复杂、可靠性低、不适于联网的问题。
The results prove that the vibration peak of the sample skeleton had some connection with crystallinity. 用红外光谱对合成样品骨架进行表征,结果证明各骨架的振动峰与样品结晶度之间有一定的联系。
By entering the sample data and training repeatedly, get the minimum error of the center of the Gaussian membership function, the connection between the width and the normalized layer and output layer weights. 通过输入样本数据,经过反复训练,最终得到误差最小的一组网络的高斯隶属度函数的中心、宽度和归一化层与输出层之间的连接权值。
In order to compute the accurate expected RTT, we allocate a weight to each RTT sample according to its validity of reflecting the connection conditions such as channel utilization and packet dropping probability. 为了计算准确的期望RTT,我们根据每个RTT样本在能否准确反映连接状况譬如信道利用率、包丢弃概率方面的有效性为每个RTT样本分配相应的权重。
Solid-phase opaque sample pool of immune connection technology is of great significance for protein research and development. 固相不透明免疫样品池的研究对蛋白质连接技术的发展具有重要意义。